Thursday, July 4, 2013

On Raising Children

This is a topic that I am very passionate about. Anyone who is in their forties, fifties or older remembers what respect was like back in the day. It is sad to see all the spoiled little brats running around these days, and some of them are not little school children but adults.

Parents should not worship their children and be slaves to their every whim. Parents' biggest responsibility is to raise their children in a safe and loving environment while teaching them what is morally right and wrong.

If you give in to your child's every whim, you are certainly setting him up for failure later on in life. Do your child a favour, and do not raise a selfish individual who will think the world owes them something.

Why do you think so many people are disappointed with their lives and most of them are on anti-depressants? They think everything they want should be handed to them, preferably on a silver platter.

None of us were born to this Earth to have an easy life. We were born to Earth to learn something about life and work towards enlightenment - whether we are aware of this fact or not.

Next time someone asks you, "What is the purpose of life?" Tell them, "Enlightenment".

How are people to reach enlightenment if their every wish and desire is instantly fulfilled? Where is the challenge and learning in that?

There is none.

Make your children work for what they want in life. Nothing worth having comes easily. How can we achieve the goals and ambitions we set for ourselves in this life? By working hard and never giving up until those goals are realized. In that case, we must prepare our children so that they learn to behave that way, work hard and never give up while maintaining high moral standards and having respect for others.

I wish you and yours a happy and fulfilled life.

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